a pregnant woman carrying a StemCord tote bag featuring an illustration of a fetus ultrasound

Scope of work:

  • Conducted a detailed internal and external brand audit through interviews and surveys.

  • Developed a comprehensive brand strategy, refining positioning and crafting a new narrative.

  • Revitalized the brand identity by updating and implementing new guidelines.

  • Redesigned and rewrote StemCord’s website to enhance brand recognition and deliver clearer messaging.

Breathing New Life Into A Legacy Brand

StemCord, a cord blood bank with roots in Singapore, was founded by a distinguished team of medical oncologists, hematologists, and physicians. After two decades of saving lives and preserving potential, the team recognized it was time to refresh their brand presence to stand out among their local and regional competitors.

We conducted a brand audit to identify opportunities for growth and refinement, including a brand survey and stakeholder interviews. The result? A refreshed StemCord—honoring its rich legacy while embracing a modern, clinical-yet-approachable aesthetic, ready to serve a new generation.

By retaining its iconic logo and introducing softer, brighter colors, we balanced tradition with transformation. We also refined StemCord’s key messaging, brand voice, and identity to create deeper connections with its three core audiences—because every connection matters.

a moodboard for StemCord, showcasing a variety of image references that paint a picture of how the new brand identity looks like.

This stylescape (hyper-personalised moodboard) was a key piece in helping the stakeholders decide on the visual identity that fits their vision for the brand. Three stylescapes were presented to StemCord. This stylescape is titled, “Science for the Family”.

Logo Design Exploration

We reimagined StemCord’s logo in a variety of ways before aligning on a gentler approach that keeps the legacy logomark. The reason behind this is that StemCord still has a large number of early adopters in their clientele who feels sentimental about what the logomark represents.The result is a logo that takes our stylescape into consideration while keeping the familiar mark.

Forty logo design draft of the cord blood bank, StemCord

Visual Identity



A look & feel proposal for StemCord's landing page. This one leads with the headline, "Hope for the future".
A look & feel proposal for StemCord's landing page. This one leads with the headline, "Why StemCord?", prompting the visitors to scroll and learn more

The brand audit results and the chosen stylescape guided every design decisions, from updating the color palette to finalizing the business card specifications. We incorporated rounded corners and StemCord’s new vibrant blue brand color to create a softer, more approachable look. Additionally, rounded business cards are safer for families with young children to handle.

final business card design for StemCord. Shown is a sample card for Doctor Leong See Odd, co-founder of StemCord Pte Ltd
A double spread of StemCord's brand identity guidelines, designed and written by Jeremy Yap
A name plate for a doctor's room. It says "Room 303"
Close-up of StemCord's logo as a lapel pin
a pair of hands holding up a print out of StemCord's infographics

Website Design

We also refreshed the look & feel of StemCord’s website to reflect its new brand identity. Working closely with the developers, we visualized a UI design that is visually appealing and easy for the client’s in-house team to update.

A Macbook Pro laptop showing the landing page of StemCord
proposed wireframe of StemCord's home page
visual reference for the development of StemCord's website. This reference is based on Sonos' website

We proposed a wireframe based on website references discussed with the client and developers and provided a UI styleguide for all future builds of the website.

Published Website:

A visual mockup featuring StemCord's website on various devices. Pictured: a happy Asian family of 3, a smiling young mother holding up an adorable cheerful infant

My responsibilities

Creative and Art Direction

Account management

Graphic design & illustration

Print & web design supervision

Peering Into Our Future

CSR Campaign

Paws On The Run


School of The Arts, Singapore

Website Design